Maintenance Programs
Grading of Driveways
The RM will grade privately owned driveways two (2) times during the summer maintenance season in any given year at no charge to the owner/resident. Please contact the Public Works Supervisor to request this service. Grading will be undertaken when time and work schedules permit and is at the discretion of the RM. Please note that this is just a basic grading and any repairs or additional work requested by the landowner/resident will be considered custom work and billed accordingly.
Mowing of Driveways
The RM will mow privately owned driveways one (1) time during the mowing season in any given year at no charge to the owner/resident. Please contact the Public Works Supervisor to request this service.
Snow Removal
The RM will undertake snow removal on private driveways in accordance with municipal policy which requires the completion of a Snow Removal Agreement & Waiver Form. Please contact the RM for information.
The RM will remove snow from seasonal roads (roads not maintained with regular snow removal) on a custom work basis if required and requested by landowners/ratepayers. The work will be undertaken when time and scheduling permits and custom work rates will be charged from the time the equipment leaves the shop until it comes back to the shop. These type of requests will not be undertaken during routine snow removal on municipal roads. In all instances regular snow removal will be undertaken prior to any custom work requests. The landowner/ratepayer requesting the work must sign a custom work waiver sheet prior to the work being undertaken.
Sale of Gravel
RM ratepayers/residents can purchase up to 100 cubic yards of gravel per year from the RM. For more information please contact the RM office and a cost estimate for purchasing and hauling can be calculated.
Beaver Control
The RM of Wolverine participates in the provincial Beaver Control Program which is administered through SARM. Under this Program this municipality is able to provide a beaver bounty of $40.00 per beaver that is eradicated by authorized individuals with a valid fur trapper’s license. If you do not have a valid fur trapper’s license, the RM will provide a beaver bounty of $25.00 per beaver tail. In this municipality all landowners and residents are considered authorized. Please contact the RM office for more information on this program.
Dust Control
The RM has a dust suppressant application policy which allows yard-site/landowners the opportunity to have dust suppressant applied on municipal roads. The cost to purchase and apply the product are the responsibility of the yard-site/landowner. For more information on dust control please contact the RM office or complete and submit the application form which can be found under the “Living Here” tab – Forms & Permits.
Pest Control
Patrick Syroteuk has been appointed the Pest Control Officer (PCO) for the RM of Wolverine under the authority of the Pest Control Act. Pat is also licensed through the Ministry of Agriculture.
Rat poison is provided free of charge to RM landowners/residents for use on their property within the boundaries of this RM. The RM endeavours to have the PCO visit the yard-sites/residents twice in a calendar year, usually spring and late fall. If you require rat poison or need to reach Pat, please contact the RM office.
Weed Control
Eric Ehalt has been appointed the Weed Control Office for the RM of Wolverine under the authority of the Weed Control Act. The RM participates in the Invasive Plant Control Program which is administered through SARM. This program provides for a 100% rebate on approved herbicides used to control prohibited weeds and a 50% rebate on approved herbicides used to control designated noxious weed on private lands. More information on this program can be found at or you can contact the RM office.
The RM has recently formed a Weed Management Area with the RM of Viscount and the RM of Humboldt. A weed GPS database will be complied during the summer of 2017 on municipal road allowances which should assist the municipality to control prohibited, noxious and invasive weeds.
If you wish to report a weed issue in this RM or would like to access funding through the Invasive Plant Control Program on private lands, please contact the RM office.
Haying Municipal Right of Ways
Mowing of municipal right of ways has commenced in the RM of Wolverine No. 340 on June 17th, 2019. This early start will assist with weed control and ensure that our mowing program is completed in a timely fashion. The mowing crew is currently in Division 5.
If you are interested in cutting hay in our municipal right of ways, please contact the PW Supervisor to advise him of which right of ways and the time frame to undertake this cutting. Dale Becker, the PW Supervisor can be reached at 306-682-4341 or 306-231-7454 from Monday to Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
Please note that notification must be provided to the PW Supervisor on a yearly basis and information from previous years will not be carried forward from year to year