Fire Fighting Services & Coverage
Fire services for the he RM of Wolverine No. 340 are provided by the following fire associations and fire departments:
- Humboldt and District Fire Association
- Lanigan & District Fire Association
- RM of Viscount No. 341 Fire Department
While it is the responsibility of the RM to provide Fire Protection Services, the property owner is responsible for fire-fighting costs. The property owner will be invoiced by the respective fire association or department in the event of a fire.
Property owners should ensure that they are carrying adequate Fire Fighting Insurance as fire-fighting expenses can be costly.
Controlled Burn Services
The phone number to report all controlled burns (grass, stubble, old buildings, etc) is 1-866-404-4911. Please phone prior to starting the burn and once it is completed.
You will need to provide your name, phone number, land location, what you will be burning and for how long. As a courtesy it is appreciated if you can also contact the RM office in regards to your controlled burn.
If a controlled burn is not reported and is responded to by a Fire Department, the landowner or resident will be charged for the fire fighting services.